Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Sonata S.

Cupertino, California

Female Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Taz

Cupertino, California

Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Tara M

Cupertino, California

Female Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Cyrus H

Cupertino, California

Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog (Short Coat)

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Heidi S

Cupertino, California

Female Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Embry

Cupertino, California

Female Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

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