The status of Awesome Abraham was
last posted on 07/02/23 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Awesome Abraham - here's
what they've published:

Buena Park, CA

Keep calm and purr on.

picture of the cat needing adoption

Awesome Abraham
Status: Last posted as 'available' on 07/02/23

Male Cat, Extra-Toes Cat (Hemingway Polydactyl)

Extra-Toes Cat (Hemingway Polydactyl) (Short Coat)


Abraham is one of the most charming and magnetic character you will ever meet. Abraham will leaving you with a permanent smile and a warm heart. Abraham has a very loving and playful personality that begs for you to open your heart to this boy! Abraham is quite the charmer and is everything you could ask for in a cat and much much more!

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