The status of TINSEL was
last posted on 04/25/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting TINSEL - here's
what they've published:

1590 Fortmann Way Alameda, CA
(510) 337-8565

Keep calm and purr on.

picture of the cat needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 04/25/24

Male Cat, Siamese

Siamese / Mixed (Medium Coat)


Tinsel is hoping there is a family out there in need of a fairy that has taken the form of a cat. Like most mythical creatures he likes to stay completely hidden most of the time. Other times he is an all-seeing eye that watches the activities of the humans below. He does not like to be looked upon or photographed. And then, inexplicably, he might prove his existence by suddenly appearing on the conference table. Tinsel has lived in the cupboards at FAAS for a long time, and though we love him, we think he's ready to admit that it gets a little too quiet at night all alone in an office building. Do you have space in your pantry to fit a feline with extreme social anxiety? Tinsel would not like to meet you - but he would love to move in. * 8 years old * 10 lbs * Calico mix * Well-groomed * Pretty blue eyes * People, dogs, other cats, other pets not okay. However, he might change his mind.

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