The status of Cooper "Sponsors Needed" was
last posted on 10/09/23 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Cooper "Sponsors Needed" - here's
what they've published:

Minerva, OH
(330) 862-0307

Keep calm and woof on.

picture of the dog needing adoption

Cooper "Sponsors Needed"
Status: Last posted as 'available' on 10/09/23

Male Dog, Border Collie

Border Collie (Medium Coat)


SPONSORS ARE NEEDED TO HELP GIVE COOPER LONGER TO LIVE WITH A QUALITY OF LIFE. COOPER IS FIGHTING CANCER AND NEEDS YOUR HELP. Cooper has presented with Oral Melanoma/Mandibular Osteosarcoma, July 2023. He has a large tumor growing in his jawline. This affects his ability to eat. He needs soft food and supplements that you can sponsor for him. He also needs surgery for tumor removal and partial jaw removal. Radiation treatments and supportive natural medicines and treatments. To be a life-saving sponsor for Cooper, email: [email protected] for a list of help needed. There is no gift too small everything helps and if you are unable or not wanting to support Cooper with monetary or needed supply contributions then could you please offer up a prayer for this wonderful dog's life. Prayer and caring is a Great Healer. I know, first hand, I have been fighting my own cancer for many years. 4th Stage Terminal and I'm still here, still trying to help others like Cooper. My prayers are for every body fighting cancer, let us pray for one another in hopes that are prayers will be answered. Blessings and Thanks, Hope Summers ISBCRezQer

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