Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Phoebe

Mooresville, North Carolina

Female Dog, Terrier

Terrier / Mixed

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Rosie

Mooresville, North Carolina

Female Dog, Chihuahua

Chihuahua / Rat Terrier / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Max

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Chihuahua

Chihuahua / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Zeus

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Rottweiler


Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Shadow

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Xena

Mooresville, North Carolina

Female Dog, Pit Bull Terrier

Pit Bull Terrier

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Buddy

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Chihuahua

Chihuahua / Dachshund / Mixed

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Tahoe

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever / Great Dane / Mixed

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Zoey

Mooresville, North Carolina

Female Dog, Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher / Mixed

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Captain

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Bella

Mooresville, North Carolina

Female Dog, Pit Bull Terrier

Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Mark

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog / Dachshund

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Lucas

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog / Dachshund

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Ross

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Terrier

Terrier / Mixed

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Pink

Mooresville, North Carolina

Female Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Gus (Elvis)

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Dachshund

Dachshund / Chihuahua / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Storm

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Gordon Setter

Gordon Setter

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Baxter

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky / German Shepherd Dog / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Sookie

Mooresville, North Carolina

Female Dog, Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler

Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Richard

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler

Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler / Mixed

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Casper

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Great Pyrenees

Great Pyrenees

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Hart

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Border Collie

Border Collie / Pointer / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Checkers

Mooresville, North Carolina

Female Dog, Border Collie

Border Collie / Mastiff / Mixed

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Bingo

Mooresville, North Carolina

Male Dog, Border Collie

Border Collie / Mastiff / Mixed

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Roulette

Mooresville, North Carolina

Female Dog, Border Collie

Border Collie / Mixed

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