Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Ace

Belleville, Michigan

Male Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (Short Coat)

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Nash

Belleville, Michigan

Male Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (Short Coat)

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Spencer

Belleville, Michigan

Male Dog, Boxer

Boxer / Labrador Retriever / Mixed (Short Coat)

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Pollo

Belleville, Michigan

Male Dog, Rottweiler

Rottweiler / American Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (Short Coat)

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Lettie

Belleville, Michigan

Female Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Aspen

Belleville, Michigan

Female Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (Short Coat)

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Dahlia

Belleville, Michigan

Female Dog, Cane Corso Mastiff

Cane Corso Mastiff

Live. Love. Bark.

Adopt Elijah

Belleville, Michigan

Male Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Princess

Belleville, Michigan

Female Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed

Did someone say dognip?

Adopt Bronx

Belleville, Michigan

Male Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier

American Pit Bull Terrier

Keep calm and woof on.

Adopt Enzo

Belleville, Michigan

Male Dog, Cane Corso Mastiff

Cane Corso Mastiff / Mastiff

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