The status of ICELAND was
last posted on 04/17/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting ICELAND - here's
what they've published:

627 Cottage Street Springfield, MA
(413) 781-1484

Live. Love. Bark.

picture of the dog needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 04/17/24

Female Dog, Pit Bull Terrier

Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed (Medium Coat)


This mellow girl came to TJO as a stray after being hit by a car. Iceland has recovered nicely and now she is available for adoption. Given Iceland's recent accident, her owner should have a good relationship with a vet to monitor progress, and learn how to identify any signs of pain or discomfort. Signs of pain can include changes in temperament or routine. She is intelligent and alert, but will benefit from positive reinforcement training and patience. She is learning how to walk on a leash and has improved.OTHER PETS: Ok with medium dogs. NO CATS OR SMALLS DOGS OWNER EXPERIENCE: Best suited for an experienced guardian that will help her learn new skills KIDS: Adults Only (She gets mouthy when she is excited) ACTIVITY LEVEL:Good Walking Buddy needs regular exercise, routine, and positive training, May have a high prey driveVETERINARY CARE: Routine LEVEL OF TRAINING NEEDED:Minimal GROOMING:Minimal

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