The status of Layla was
last posted on 04/21/24 by

Please contact them directly
if you are interested in
adopting Layla - here's
what they've published:

5205 Airline Rd. Muskegon, mi
(231) 865-1264

Keep calm and purr on.

picture of the cat needing adoption

Status: Last posted as 'available' on 04/21/24

Female Cat, Domestic Medium Hair

Domestic Medium Hair


When Layla came to us, we weren't given any background to why her back legs didn't seem to have much muscle tone or why she walked differently than the other kitties. We weren't concerned that she was different, we were concerned that she might be in pain, since she would randomly start shaking when she got up to move. We were able to take her to the vet when we took Hopper for his evaluation, and she did some tests to give us some more details of what was going on with Layla. Her bloodwork came back completely normal, so we knew that she overall didn't have anything underlying that would have caused her leg issues. Then we got the x-ray results. Like we suspected, Layla's back end did have some issues~ she has hip dysplasia in both hips. While this was a disappointing diagnosis, we did get some good news! This sweet girl doesn't seem to be in any pain, she has no arthritis and she doesn't currently require any specific treatment! To keep Layla moving and comfortable, it was suggested that she begins to take an omega 3/fatty acid supplement each day while doing physical therapy with her. We have an amazing volunteer who has been working with her and she has already started to walk more comfortably and for longer periods of time! This sweet girl seems determined to not let her condition hold her back and we hope you don’t hold it against her either! Yes, Layla might not be perfect, but who really wants perfect anyway? Come in today and let Layla show you her love and determination!You may find me on our website under "ADOPT

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