94.44% live in Greenville
4.32% live in Seaford
1.23% live in New Castle

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Did someone say catnip?!

Adopt Cats

New Castle, Delaware

Cat, Domestic Short Hair

Domestic Short Hair

Keep calm and purr on.

Adopt Isabelle (FCID# 04/24/2023 - 71) C

Greenville, Delaware

Female Cat, Domestic Long Hair

Domestic Long Hair / Tabby / Mixed (Long Coat)

Keep calm and purr on.

Adopt Honey Badger fka Arianna (FCID# 01/16/2024 - 86)

Greenville, Delaware

Female Cat, Tabby

Tabby (Short Coat)

Did someone say catnip?!

Adopt Tony (FCID# 10/23/2023 - 95) KDC

Greenville, Delaware

Male Cat, Tabby

Tabby (Short Coat)

Did someone say catnip?!

Adopt Izzy (FCID# 01/15/2024 - 76) C

Greenville, Delaware

Female Cat, Calico

Calico (Short Coat)

Did someone say catnip?!

Adopt Jin (FCID# 01/15/2024 - 7) C

Greenville, Delaware

Male Cat, Domestic Short Hair

Domestic Short Hair (Short Coat)

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