
Who Cares What You Think

This is an archived article preserved as a guest op-ed and does not represent the opinions of namedat.com staff. His Gift To Us by Bill Hangley Jr. So when the President was here on July 4, I had the opportunity to shake his hand. I wasn’t sure if that was a good idea or not […]

George W. Bush Military Record

This is an archived article preserved as a guest op-ed and does not represent the opinions of namedat.com staff. George W. Bush Military Record And Recent Behavior (1980, 1990, and 2000) Pertaining To Military Records In these days of guys who never fought in Vietnam advocating a tricky engagement in Iraq, it is interesting to […]

George W. Bush, Warlord

This is an archived article preserved as a guest op-ed and does not represent the opinions of namedat.com staff. by Ted Rall A Presidential Impostor Turns Political Assassin NEW YORK–First he appointed himself President. Now George W. Bush has declared himself God. As Americans begin their third year of Supreme Court-ordered political occupation, Bush has […]

Proof Of Controlled Demolition At The WTC

This is an archived article preserved as a guest op-ed and does not represent the opinions of namedat.com staff. by Jerry Russell, Ph.D. Steel frame towers are built very strongly. They need to withstand the pressure of gale-force winds, the violent rocking motion of earthquakes, and the ravages of time. For this reason, they are […]

911 Lawsuit Says They Let It Happen On Purpose

This is an archived article preserved as a guest op-ed and does not represent the opinions of namedat.com staff. All Along The Watchtower 911 Lawsuit Says They Let It Happen On Purpose by William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t | Opinion, June 20, 2002 Stanley Hilton, a San Francisco attorney […]

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